SketchUp Plugins Conference in Madrid: Follow-Up

This post is mostly dedicated to the SketchUp addicted readers.

As you might already know, representatives from the SketchUp Community, including the SketchUp Team, Plugin Developers as well as many SketchUp users met  from 5th through 7 September 2012 in Madrid to join the first SketchUp Plugins Conference.

Attendees had chance to discuss the state of the art of the best plugins for SketchUp. It was a good time to share ideas and to establish collaboration relations with some of the most talented developers out there.

Alessandro Terenzi, CTO at Inglobe Technologies, took part at the Conference presenting the latest features of the ARplugin and ARplayer. Other presentations also focused on the Augmented Reality Plugin for SketchUp.

To learn more about the content of the talks you can take a look at the Conference Schedule available on the Conference website:

You can also check the recap video of the Conference here

This post is also available in: Italian
